South Wentworthville
Childcare Faclity 2
South Wentworthville, NSW
Services: Landscape Concept Design + DA + CC
Size: 697m²
Current Stage: CC
Year of Implementation: 2018
The most important playground elements are identified by, climbing, cognitive, and nature play. The playground design sought to incorporate all of these activities while enhancing creative and cognitive play. There are many ways that the playground challenges children intellectually, enhancing creative and cognitive play. Negotiating three-dimensional space, way-finding and exploration of interactive elements requires the use of imagination.
The site encourage children to explore and open their imaginations. Set up interactive climbing sandstone block, fun tree trunk, sandpit, slides, interactive devices and other physical activities for children, so that children can explore, climb and other natural release. Moreover, the roundabout softfall play track combines natural grass area and blue softfall play area create a dynamic, fun and creative space.